Monday, March 17, 2014

One journalist and his family have fled their residence after armed men stormed the residence and at gun point threatened to kill him and his family should he continue with his investigative work.
Putting a stop to his inquiry into the illicit trade of government trophies in the country, it is reported that Christopher Kidanka, a human rights journalist and editor of the monthly magazine ‘Africa Tomorrow,’ has been forced to abandon his home along with his family to an undisclosed location in fear of his safety. 
Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRD) has condemned the threats levied against all human rights activists and journalists in Tanzania calling for an immediate stop and bidding responsible law and public safety authorities to take decisive action.
Speaking yesterday in Dar es Salaam, THRD National Coordinator, Onesmo Olengurumwa cited the case of human rights activist Christopher Kidanka who is said to have been receiving repeated threats against his life. According to Olengurumwa, Kidanka has been receiving a series of threats from unknown persons since last month. 
 “All this started on February 21 when a group of people invaded my house threatened me with a gun and walked away with my house keys but they did not steal anything,” recalled the journalist as per Olengurumwa narration of the ordeal.
“This has to a large extent affected his work including the investigative story that he had been working on,” noted the Human Rights Defenders Coalition Coordinator.
He said though the police are investigating the matter, the fact that his journalistic work has prompted the threats cannot be ruled out. 
“The matter has already been reported to the police at the University of Dar es Salaam and investigation is in progress,” he reported “but we cannot overrule or ignore the fact that the threat is a result of his work,” he added. 
Olengurumwa called upon all concerned authorities to do what it takes to help the innocent family resume its normal life and enable Kidanka continue with his work.