Monday, March 17, 2014

Tanzanians should take a wise move to shun gay marriages because of its negative medical consequences on human beings. Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT) says that it is unthinkable to advocate homo sexuality citing its enormous negative health effects, especial in a country which is challenged by high maternal and infant mortalities, severe malaria, HIV, TB and now hepatitis B.
MAT Chairperson Doctor Primus Saidia, said in an interview in Dar es Salaam that in the light of this debate of gay marriages, it has to be made clear that homo sexuality transmits deadly diseases like hepatitis B and HIV which many poor countries cannot cope with.
The interview was centred on the recent bold decision of Uganda to enact a law that bans homosexuality in the country despite diplomatic tantrums from the western countries.
“How can we talk about such relationships and neglect their negative medical consequences in a country like Tanzania that cannot cope with preventable and treatable diseases like pneumonia?
He observed further that those issues should be regarded as backyard diplomacy that has no place in Tanzania and other areas of Africa.
He said one of the basic reasons for Africa to lag behind other continent in the world is the higher prevalence of diseases both communicable and none communicable.
“In fact is the biggest challenge that people in the developing world should ponder and discourage such learned cultures.”
Recently the national blood transfusion services director, Doctor EfespaNkya, told the public gather in Dar es Salaam in the launch of Hepatitis B vaccine that, the centre collects 170,000 litres of blood annually in which 7.0 percent is HVB contaminated.
“More than 12,000 bottles of one litres are discarded annually as they are contaminated with the deadly virus; it is time to intensify the fight against diseases not otherwise.” Nkya said.
He said as medical professionals they don’t mind about anybody’s sexual orientation , however they have to make it understood that homo sexuality have negative health impacts that poor people cannot cope with. 
The current media portrayal of gay and lesbian relationships is that they are as healthy, stable and loving as heterosexual marriages… or even more so.
 Medical associations in some big economies of the world are promoting somewhat similar messages. 
Sexual relationships between members of the same sex, however, expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened life span.
According to medical experts, there are five major distinctions between gay and heterosexual relationships, with specific medical consequences. 
Similar extremes of promiscuity have not been documented among lesbians. 
However, an Australian study found that 93 percent of lesbians reported having had sex with men, and lesbians were 4.5 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners.
Any degree of sexual promiscuity carries the risk of contracting STDs.
Common sexual practices among gay men lead to numerous sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) and physical injuries, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population. 
Lesbians are also at higher risk for STDs. In addition to diseases that may be transmitted during lesbian sex, a study at an Australian STD clinic found that lesbians were three to four times more likely than heterosexual women to have sex with men who were high-risk for HIV.
However, it is well established that there are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts, among gays and lesbians. 
This is true even in the Netherlands, where gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships are far more socially acceptable than in the U.S. Depression and drug abuse are strongly associated with risky sexual practices that lead to serious medical problems.
Medical researchers say, the only epidemiological study to date on the life span of gay men concluded that gay and bisexual men lose up to 20 years of life expectancy.
Accrding to the experts, “Monogamy” meaning long-term sexual fidelity, is rare in Gay-lesbian relationships, (GLB) particularly among gay men. 
One study reported that 66 percent of gay couples reported sex outside the relationship within the first year, and nearly 90 percent if the relationship lasted five years.
In Summary, It is clear that there are serious medical consequences to same-sex behavior.
Identification with a GLB community appears to lead to an increase in promiscuity, which in turn leads to a myriad of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and even early death. Youth should be warned of the undeniable health risks associated with a homosexual lifestyle.