Monday, March 17, 2014

The February 2014 IPP tweet winners have urged the government to introduce a new policy that will give priority to local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to partake of national investment potentials.
Speaking during the Tweets Winners’ handover ceremony yesterday, they expressed concern over the lack of improved investment opportunities that would lift up economic strength among small and medium enterprises and widen market viability of local products.
Victor Byemelwa, a student at the University of Dodoma, who banked the first place win for the third time after October and November last year urged the formulation of a new policy that could create a conducive business environment for local entrepreneurs.
The first runner up, Glory Ndewario from Ardhi University and the second runner up, Mteule Mnyalap supported the view, saying current financial policies were friendly to big business ventures, forgetting the potentiality of small entrepreneurs for the national development wheel.
In awarding the Tweet Champions, the first winner pocketed Tsh 1 million, the second winner netted TSh 500,000 while the third winner banked TSh 300,000 financing.
Winners of February were found after giving good ideas on ‘how does the governments help young entrepreneurs to build their economic abilities,’ whereby 978 citizens’ tweets were received and three emerged winners.
Speaking on behalf of IPP Executive Chairman Dr. Reginald Mengi, the Independent Television (ITV) and Radio One managing director Joyce Mhaville commended the ideas of the tweet victors, saying they were potentially helpful to the country’s economy if applied.
 “Your ideas are positive to the government and once such policies are introduced it will help many young entrepreneurs in the country and improve the economy as well,” she stated.
Dr. Donath Olomi, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development said that benchmarks used to arrange criteria were focusing on creativity of the idea, the possibility of its implementation in the Tanzanin environment and how clearly the idea is explained.
The competition was introduced in May last year by IPP Executive Chairman Dr. Mengi and until now people have been putting across various ideas for evaluation each month, all focusing on how the economy can be improved.
The question for this month is ‘provide an example on how you can use challenges facing others to build up the economy,’ the director noted.